Sunday 30 October 2011

Colors and usability

For the past week Iv been messing around with photoshop, making some basic websites designs, using different colors, textures and even watching tutorials on Youtube.
Picking the correct colors is an important part of making a website as the viewers may vary in age and purpose. i.e.. business, clients and fans.
So my aim will be to make my website both sophisticated and fun at the same time, but also keeping in mind the importance of usability.

Iv done some research on the internet relating to website usability, and i have found a blog that helps a lot by explaining briefly the key points of ease of use and usability and offers you a checklist for when creating a website.

Below I have a mock up of what I produced on photoshop, this is only a basic stucture of what my website may will look like.

Friday 28 October 2011

The Website that will blow your mind but now your ears.

Im pleased to announce that in the near future I will be putting a brand new website together. This will be my first time writing HTML, CSS and Javascript, so be expecting plenty of updates once its launched to the public, as I will continue learning new skills and techniques and applying them to the website.

The Website will be aimed at fans, clients and future employers.

The website will consist of a personnel portfolio and advertising many services, relating to sound engineering and design.

Below iv included some links and screen shots to give an example of what layout Im aiming for:

When I first looked at this website I enjoyed the banner animation and layout, I thought that it gave it a professional enviroment and a easy usability.


When i looked at this website I thought that the colors appealed to me as a person and was easy on the human eye.