Friday 25 November 2011

Test Matrix

In lecture I was recommended to produce a test matrix. A test matrix is a table with all the links of your website in order containing ticks for working links or crosses for broken links...

All links need to be tested thoroughly and fixed if a broken link occurs.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Color Schem from part 2

This color schema is from a picture of my logo that i imported into Kuler. I had tried other colors but the feel and look didn't appeal to my target audience as it had bright harsh colors and didn't seem professional so Im sticking with this colors easy to the human eye and more appealing to me.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Target Audience

At first i wanted to just make a website targeted at fans so i could promote and sell my music but i also thought in this time music sales isn't doing that good even at superstar level compared to previous years due to the amount of illegal downloads.

So if Im maintaining this website over a number of years that it would be a better idea to start selling my services in music tech related fields such as sound design, sound engineer, beat maker and producer. This can give me a wide field of work in the future in film and game industry. 
I would also like to help my fellow peers with video tutorials that i will be posting on my website.

So in the end my website will be promoting my music but more focused on sell ing my services and helping my peers with tutorials. This can bring a fare big amount of traffic when the website is launched as Im covering almost 3 sectors, the fans, future employers and fellow peers.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Website Design

 Iv been away designing different types of buttons for my navigation bar with the use of online tutorials and with luck iv decided which one to go for, below is a design of what the buttons will look like, and I also thought it was a good idea to include a shine on the second button when the mouse hovers over it to give it a more professional feel.

This design is the banner for my website. I produced this in photoshop with a little technical help from a friend for the logo. The design of the logo was the hardest by far, as i wanted a simple but creative design related to the aspects of the website.

Monday 7 November 2011

Site Map

This map of my website shows the navigation system of the site, i chose to keep everything simple for usability purposes. This may be subject to change over time.

Friday 4 November 2011

Internet infrastructure

Every machine on the Internet has a unique identifying number, called an IP address (Internet Protocol), when a machine goes on the internet and clicks on a site its sends a request to a server on the web as asks for information (data) which is then sent to the machine with the same IP address in a number of parts and then reassembled in the browser, the more the data such as music and video will take longer to load, this can be prevented by adding 3rd party website and links such as in this case with my website adding links from sound-cloud for music and youtube for videos so it reduces the load time for the users visiting.

Social Networks

Iv chosen to incorporate social networks with my website to promote new services and projects, and also interact and keep in touch with with fans and peers. These links can be found in the home page on the top of the screen with each icon representing each social network.

Browser Display Statistics

These stats show that the majority of the people are downloading the latest browsers to browse internet with a 1024x768 screen resolution or higher this shows that these people are keeping up to date with technology and internet. From these stats Im confident that my target audience are daily users of the internet and are familiar with most os the terms. This allows me to produce my website with the latest html screen resolution and browsers.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Colors and Logo

Iv been thinking about my logo design and the colors i would use. I wanted a simple yet friendly design which could be recognisable in the future. Below is a mock up of a design that i made on photoshop where I used the thin to thick font concept.

This picture is from a graphic and web designer called Locodesignz, and this shows almost exacly what kind of syle im looking for. I like how the simple colors makes the website interesting and it also appiels to the same are of my work.