Tuesday 15 November 2011

Target Audience

At first i wanted to just make a website targeted at fans so i could promote and sell my music but i also thought in this time music sales isn't doing that good even at superstar level compared to previous years due to the amount of illegal downloads.

So if Im maintaining this website over a number of years that it would be a better idea to start selling my services in music tech related fields such as sound design, sound engineer, beat maker and producer. This can give me a wide field of work in the future in film and game industry. 
I would also like to help my fellow peers with video tutorials that i will be posting on my website.

So in the end my website will be promoting my music but more focused on sell ing my services and helping my peers with tutorials. This can bring a fare big amount of traffic when the website is launched as Im covering almost 3 sectors, the fans, future employers and fellow peers.

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