Friday 4 November 2011

Internet infrastructure

Every machine on the Internet has a unique identifying number, called an IP address (Internet Protocol), when a machine goes on the internet and clicks on a site its sends a request to a server on the web as asks for information (data) which is then sent to the machine with the same IP address in a number of parts and then reassembled in the browser, the more the data such as music and video will take longer to load, this can be prevented by adding 3rd party website and links such as in this case with my website adding links from sound-cloud for music and youtube for videos so it reduces the load time for the users visiting.

Social Networks

Iv chosen to incorporate social networks with my website to promote new services and projects, and also interact and keep in touch with with fans and peers. These links can be found in the home page on the top of the screen with each icon representing each social network.

Browser Display Statistics

These stats show that the majority of the people are downloading the latest browsers to browse internet with a 1024x768 screen resolution or higher this shows that these people are keeping up to date with technology and internet. From these stats Im confident that my target audience are daily users of the internet and are familiar with most os the terms. This allows me to produce my website with the latest html screen resolution and browsers.

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